Produkt zum Begriff Auto-update-data-in-another-excel-sheethtml:
Microsoft Excel 2019 Pivot Table Data Crunching
Renowned Excel experts Bill Jelen (MrExcel) and Michael Alexander help you crunch data from any source with Excel 2019 pivot tables. Use Excel 2019 pivot tables and pivot charts to produce powerful, dynamic reports in minutes instead of hours, to take control of your data and your business. Even if you’ve never created a pivot table before, this book will help you leverage all their remarkable flexibility and analytical power–including valuable improvements in Excel 2019 and Excel in Office 365. Drawing on more than 45 combined years of Excel experience, Bill Jelen and Michael Alexander offer practical “recipes” for solving real business problems, help you avoid common mistakes, and present tips and tricks you’ll find nowhere else. By reading this book, you will: • Master easy, powerful ways to create, customize, change, and control pivot tables • Control all future pivot tables using new pivot table defaults • Transform huge data sets into clear summary reports • Instantly highlight your most profitable customers, products, or regions • Use Power Query to quickly import, clean, shape, and analyze disparate data sources • Build geographical pivot tables with 3D Map • Construct and share state-of-the-art dynamic dashboards • Revamp analyses on the fly by dragging and dropping fields • Build dynamic self-service reporting systems • Share your pivot tables with colleagues • Create data mashups using the full Power Pivot capabilities of Excel 2019 and Excel in Office 365 • Automate pivot tables with macros and VBA • Save time by adapting reports with GetPivotData • Discover today’s most useful pivot table tips and shortcuts
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Microsoft Excel 2019 Data Analysis and Business Modeling
Master business modeling and analysis techniques with Microsoft Excel 2019 and Office 365 and transform data into bottom-line results. Written by award-winning educator Wayne Winston, this hands-on, scenario-focused guide helps you use Excel to ask the right questions and get accurate, actionable answers. New coverage ranges from Power Query/Get & Transform to Office 365 Geography and Stock data types. Practice with more than 800 problems, many based on actual challenges faced by working analysts. Solve real business problems with Excel—and build your competitive advantage: Quickly transition from Excel basics to sophisticated analytics Use PowerQuery or Get & Transform to connect, combine, and refine data sources Leverage Office 365’s new Geography and Stock data types and six new functions Illuminate insights from geographic and temporal data with 3D Maps Summarize data with pivot tables, descriptive statistics, histograms, and Pareto charts Use Excel trend curves, multiple regression, and exponential smoothing Delve into key financial, statistical, and time functions Master all of Excel’s great charts Quickly create forecasts from historical time-based data Use Solver to optimize product mix, logistics, work schedules, and investments—and even rate sports teams Run Monte Carlo simulations on stock prices and bidding models Learn about basic probability and Bayes’ Theorem Use the Data Model and Power Pivot to effectively build and use relational data sources inside an Excel workbook Automate repetitive analytics tasks by using macros
Preis: 39.58 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Collect, Combine, and Transform Data Using Power Query in Excel and Power BI
Using Power Query, you can import, reshape, and cleanse any data from a simple interface, so you can mine that data for all of its hidden insights. Power Query is embedded in Excel, Power BI, and other Microsoft products, and leading Power Query expert Gil Raviv will help you make the most of it. Discover how to eliminate time-consuming manual data preparation, solve common problems, avoid pitfalls, and more. Then, walk through several complete analytics challenges, and integrate all your skills in a realistic chapter-length final project. By the time you’re finished, you’ll be ready to wrangle any data–and transform it into actionable knowledge. Prepare and analyze your data the easy way, with Power Query · Quickly prepare data for analysis with Power Query in Excel (also known as Get & Transform) and in Power BI · Solve common data preparation problems with a few mouse clicks and simple formula edits · Combine data from multiple sources, multiple queries, and mismatched tables · Master basic and advanced techniques for unpivoting tables · Customize transformations and build flexible data mashups with the M formula language · Address collaboration challenges with Power Query · Gain crucial insights into text feeds · Streamline complex social network analytics so you can do it yourself For all information workers, analysts, and any Excel user who wants to solve their own business intelligence problems.
Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Analyzing Data with Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel
Renowned DAX experts Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo teach you how to design data models for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. How can you use Excel and Power BI to gain real insights into your information? As you examine your data, how do you write a formula that provides the numbers you need? The answers to both of these questions lie with the data model. This book introduces the basic techniques for shaping data models in Excel and Power BI. It’s meant for readers who are new to data modeling as well as for experienced data modelers looking for tips from the experts. If you want to use Power BI or Excel to analyze data, the many real-world examples in this book will help you look at your reports in a different way—like experienced data modelers do. As you’ll soon see, with the right data model, the correct answer is always a simple one! By reading this book, you will:• Gain an understanding of the basics of data modeling, including tables, relationships, and keys• Familiarize yourself with star schemas, snowflakes, and common modeling techniques• Learn the importance of granularity• Discover how to use multiple fact tables, like sales and purchases, in a complex data model• Manage calendar-related calculations by using date tables• Track historical attributes, like previous addresses of customers or manager assignments• Use snapshots to compute quantity on hand• Work with multiple currencies in the most efficient way• Analyze events that have durations, including overlapping durations • Learn what data model you need to answer your specific business questionsAbout This Book• For Excel and Power BI users who want to exploit the full power of their favorite tools • For BI professionals seeking new ideas for modeling data
Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
Funktioniert das Auto-Ausfüllen in Form von Inkrementieren bei Excel bei mir nicht?
Es gibt verschiedene Gründe, warum das Auto-Ausfüllen in Excel nicht funktionieren könnte. Möglicherweise ist die Option "Automatisch ausfüllen" in den Excel-Einstellungen deaktiviert oder es gibt ein Problem mit der Formatierung der Zellen. Überprüfen Sie diese Einstellungen und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Zellen korrekt formatiert sind, um das Inkrementieren zu ermöglichen.
Funktioniert Unlimited Data?
Ja, Unlimited Data funktioniert in der Regel gut, solange man sich in einem Gebiet mit guter Netzabdeckung befindet. Es ermöglicht den uneingeschränkten Zugriff auf mobile Daten, ohne dass man sich Gedanken über begrenzte Datenvolumen machen muss. Allerdings kann es sein, dass die Geschwindigkeit gedrosselt wird, wenn man eine bestimmte Datenmenge überschreitet.
Wie heißt Data Love?
Data Love wird oft als die tiefe Leidenschaft und Wertschätzung für Daten bezeichnet. Es beschreibt die intensive Beziehung, die Menschen zu Daten haben können, sei es in Bezug auf ihre Analyse, Interpretation oder Nutzung. Data Love kann auch bedeuten, dass man sich für die Qualität und Integrität von Daten einsetzt und sich für den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit ihnen einsetzt. Kurz gesagt, Data Love ist die Hingabe an Daten und die Anerkennung ihres Potenzials, um Einblicke zu gewinnen und positive Veränderungen zu bewirken.
Ist entweder ein Master in Mathematik oder in Data Science besser geeignet, um als Data Scientist zu arbeiten?
Beide Masterabschlüsse können für eine Karriere als Data Scientist geeignet sein, da sie unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte bieten. Ein Master in Mathematik legt den Fokus auf mathematische Grundlagen und statistische Methoden, während ein Master in Data Science spezifische Kenntnisse in Datenanalyse, maschinellem Lernen und Programmierung vermittelt. Die Wahl hängt von den individuellen Interessen und Zielen ab, sowie von den Anforderungen der potenziellen Arbeitgeber.
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Microsoft Excel Pivot Table Data Crunching (Office 2021 and Microsoft 365)
Use Microsoft 365 Excel and Excel 2021 pivot tables and pivot charts to produce powerful, dynamic reports in minutes: take control of your data and your business! Even if you've never created a pivot table before, this book will help you leverage all their flexibility and analytical power including important recent improvements in Microsoft 365 Excel. Drawing on more than 30 years of cutting-edge Excel experience, MVP Bill Jelen (MrExcel) shares practical recipes for solving real business problems, expert insights for avoiding mistakes, and advanced tips and tricks you'll find nowhere else.By reading this book, you will:Master easy, powerful ways to create, customize, change, and control pivot tablesTransform huge datasets into clear summary reportsInstantly highlight your most profitable customers, products, or regionsUse the data model and Power Query to quickly analyze disparate data sourcesCreate powerful crosstab reports with new dynamic arrays and Power QueryBuild geographical pivot tables with 3D MapsConstruct and share state-of-the-art dynamic dashboardsRevamp analyses on the fly by dragging and dropping fi eldsBuild dynamic self-service reporting systemsShare your pivot tables with colleaguesCreate data mashups using the full Power Pivot capabilities in modern Excel versionsGenerate pivot tables using either VBA on the Desktop or Typescript in Excel OnlineSave time and avoid formatting problems by adapting reports with GetPivotDataUnpivot source data so it's easier to work withUse new Analyze Data artificial intelligence to create pivot tables
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Data Mesh in Action
Revolutionize the way your organization approaches data with a data mesh! This new decentralized architecture outpaces monolithic lakes and warehouses and can work for a company of any size.Data Mesh in Action reveals how this ground breaking architecture looks for both small start-ups and large enterprises. You'll see a datamesh in action as you explore both an extended case study andmultiple real-world examples. As you go, you'll be expertly guidedthrough discussions around Socio-Technical Architecture and Domain-Driven Design with the goal of building a sleek data-as-a-productsystem.
Preis: 65.26 € | Versand*: 0 €
Basierend auf einer echten Geschichte, worauf basiert "another"?
"Another" basiert auf einer gleichnamigen japanischen Romanreihe von Yukito Ayatsuji. Die Geschichte handelt von einer Klasse, in der ein mysteriöser Fluch kursiert, der zu wiederholten Todesfällen führt. Der Anime adaptiert die Handlung der Romanreihe und erzählt die Geschichte der Schülerin Mei Misaki, die von ihren Klassenkameraden ignoriert wird und in den Fluch verwickelt ist.
Wo kann ich "Another" kostenlos schauen?
"Another" ist eine Anime-Serie, die auf verschiedenen Streaming-Plattformen verfügbar sein kann. Einige beliebte Plattformen, auf denen du möglicherweise "Another" kostenlos schauen kannst, sind Crunchyroll, Funimation und AnimeLab. Es ist jedoch möglich, dass diese Plattformen eine kostenpflichtige Mitgliedschaft erfordern, um auf den vollen Inhalt zugreifen zu können.
Was macht ein Data Analyst?
Ein Data Analyst sammelt, analysiert und interpretiert große Mengen von Daten, um Einblicke und Trends zu identifizieren. Sie verwenden statistische Methoden und Software, um Muster in den Daten zu erkennen und Geschäftsentscheidungen zu unterstützen. Data Analysts erstellen Berichte, Dashboards und Visualisierungen, um komplexe Informationen verständlich darzustellen. Sie arbeiten eng mit anderen Teams zusammen, um Daten zu verstehen und Empfehlungen für Verbesserungen oder Optimierungen zu geben. Insgesamt helfen Data Analysts dabei, datengesteuerte Entscheidungen zu treffen und das Geschäftswachstum voranzutreiben.
Wann ist Data Luv geboren?
Wann ist Data Luv geboren?
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